
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 22127491
2.   CN 740575
3.   CA 416763
4.   US 398134
5.   NL 274284
6.   FR 183827
7.   BG 181926
8.   IN 157592
9.   RU 113663
10.   DE 97280
11.   GB 85057
12.   HK 73986
13.   VN 71315
14.   BD 70258
15.   KR 63885
Most abused passwords
1. password1 610454
2. password 608454
3. passwd 602575
4. Password1! 602208
5. Password1 601178
6. Passw0rd1 600403
7. Password! 600255
8. Passw0rd 600020
9. Password01 599991
10. Pass123 174006
11. Password123 133280
12. admin@ 85354
13. 1q2w3e! 85307
14. admin$123 85283
15. Adm1n1 85275